*Source: http://www.climatetemp.info/usa/minneapolis-minnesota.html
The first model's precipitation data closely resembles the precipitation data shown in the Average Monthly Precipitation where the highest average falls in the month of June and an overall higher pattern in the summer.
*Source: http://www.rssweather.com/climate/Minnesota/Minneapolis-St.Paul/
*Source: http://www.prism.oregonstate.edu/state_products/index.phtml?id=MN
Although Minneapolis, Minnesota is located quite close to Lake Superior and is surrounded by over eleven thousand lakes the monthly average weather data does not seem to indicate any signigicant level of maritimity. Variance in humidity levels in relation to average temperatures also seem to exemplify the low level of maritimity of Minneapolis.
*Source: http://www.davedoran.com/
Minneapolis is located beneath the Rainy and Superior Geographic Lobes which consist of basalts, gabbro, granite, iron formation, red sandstone, slate, and greenstone strewn due to glacial advances. As a result there are many glacial deposits, lakes, and rivers in the area around Minneapolis (1). Vegetation is quite diverse and includes emergents found in shallow waters such as Blueflag Iris, bulrushes and broad-leaved arrowhead as well as wet meadows that include plants such as Swamp milkweed, Joe-pye weed and blue vervain. Vegetation ranges broadly as wet, mesic and dry prairies and also includes wetlands, woodlands, and rolling plains as well (2).
*Sources: (1) http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/snas/naturalhistory.html
(2) http://www.minneapolisparks.org/default.asp?PageID=708
Do to the fact that Minneapolis, Minnesota is surrounded by a very large quanity of various sized bodies of water my guestimation for the Bowen Ratio is low. Even though the humidity levels and average temperatures are moderate for the most part I still believe that the Bowen Ratio is lower than the U.S. average.
*Source: http://passingthru.com/2009/08/lake-minnetonka-the-lure-and-the-lore/
I believe the Bowen Ratio is about .55 or so do to the circumstances surrounding the geography and climate of the area.
4) Using GEEBIT B3:
A) When I decreased the albedo by .10 I noticed that the energy absorbed at the planet's surface
average and maximum increase as well as the resulting surface temperature. Conversely these same levels decrease when I increase the albedo to .406.
B) When I decreased the greenhous factor by 10% the average and max energy absorbed at planet's surface decrease as well as the resulting temperature. Conversely when I increase the greenhouse factor by 10% these same levels increase by a small amount.
C) These changes could affect the environment and climate by either warming the location beyond or below normal conditions. Climate changes such as strengthening of the glacial structures could increase the sub-polar aspect of the climate if absorbtivity decreases at the surface. Increased absorbtivity at the surface could cause the opposite reaction causing melting which would strengthen the network of lakes and possibly affect the maritimity of the area.
*word count without captions 250
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